Energizing Howard County

Champion a healthy community and economy by supporting Emerald Green Solar

Emerald Green Solar will provide long-term local and state tax revenue, good-paying jobs, cleaner more fertile soil and water, and guaranteed cash flow and stability for the hard-working farmers of Howard County.

Read community testimonials here

Local Economic Benefits

Emerald Green Solar is expected to create 300 construction jobs and $30 million in local tax revenue — $19.8 million of which will go directly to Eastern Howard School Corp.

learn more

$30 million

in local tax revenue over the life of the project


 to Eastern Howard School Corp.

300 - 350 jobs

created during construction


Multiple new families in our community

Property Values, Protected

We compared multiple property and land sales that occurred prior and after solar development in Indiana and Minnesota, for adjoining and non-adjoining properties, and found no measurable impact on property values.

Connie Gardner, First Deputy Assessor for Madison County, Indiana, stated that there are 3 solar farms in her county, and she has seen no impact on land or property prices from proximity to the solar farm.

Read the ReportS

Economic Development Report

Download the Economic Development Report to learn more about the economic impact of the Emerald Green solar project in Howard County.


Property Value Impact Study

Download the Property Value Impact Study to learn more about Howard County property impact projections as related to an adjacent solar project.
